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Library Space Reservation Policy: University Library

Library Space Reservation Policy

The University Library Space Reservation Policy is created to ensure library users have safe and welcoming spaces for research, collaboration, learning, and creative endeavors. The University Library welcomes events sponsored by a University of Wisconsin – Stout department, class, or student organization.  The library is committed to presenting diverse points of view and to the principles of academic freedom as outlined through the Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement.

What are some activities that would require a space reservation?

Holding an event or activity in the library generally requires the reservation of a library space. Only current students, faculty, and staff may reserve spaces in the library.  Community members are encouraged to contact the Memorial Student Center if looking to reserve space on campus.  Please note, this policy does not include reserving individual study rooms, which current students, faculty, and staff can do here. However, this policy does cover the following reservation requests:

  • Student organization meetings or activities
  • Weekly study sessions for a large group
  • Special classroom presentations or activities
  • Staff or faculty trainings
  • Hands-on art lessons

Guidelines for Library Space Use


Space Request Form

If you would like to host an activity or group meeting in the library, spaces must be reserved at least one week in advance with this form found in this section. You must receive email permission from library staff before holding your event.


Events must occur while the University Library is open. The event will be finished, cleaned up, and organizers will exit the building before closing time. You can find library hours here. Approval is at the discretion of the library administration. Events scheduling will be limited during finals week or the week before finals week, to limit distractions for students.

  • For one-time events, there is a five-hour limit to reserving a space.
  • For reoccurring student organization events, there is a four-hour limit to the space reservation.

Set Up and Use

Groups reserving space are responsible for:

  • Activity set up
  • Activity clean up
  • Moving furniture back to its original locations
  • Removing event signage after event (only blue painters tape to be used on walls)
  • Any repairs, replacement, or cleaning costs as a result of the event.
  • Maintaining a volume level sensitive to others studying nearby.

It is recommended to view the space in advance to see what additional requirements may be needed when requesting a room. Please note that the library does not provide storage for equipment, furniture, etc, nor do we provide consumable supplies for activities. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Also, we unfortunately do not have spaces to accommodate painting or the usage of glitter.

Compliance with UW System Administrative Policy 625

The person filling out the form will need to answer the following statement to complete the reservation: "Will persons under the age of eighteen (18) who are not enrolled at a UW System institution be attending this event? If you answer yes, someone will reach out to you to ensure we are compliant with UW System Administrative Policy 625.”

Available Spaces for Special Events

Wondering what spaces you could reserve in the library? Here are some popular choices:

  • 1st floor video game lab
  • 2nd floor open space
  • Classroom 211
  • 3rd floor Comics and Tabletop Games area

Additional Policy Information

This policy is in alignment with, and does not supersede UW-Stout Policy No. 76-3: Facility Use Policy. University Library reserves the right to decline or cancel any event at any time. Use of the room indicates acceptance of this policy. All library staff are authorized to enforce this policy, with the assistance of University of Wisconsin-Stout Police if necessary. Questions regarding the Library Space Use Policy should be referred to University Library Assistant Director Susan Lindahl via email at

2 students drawing while holding hands

Strange Rainbow Workshop

Two people carving pumpkins

TRIO Activity

Blaze playing with Legos

Blaze Playing with Legos

Three people playing a tabletop game

Table Top Gaming

Blaze and two students playing a video game

Video Game Lab

Group of students watching a presentation on banned books

Banned Books Presentation

Two students standing by comic book art hung on the wall

Stout Comic Exhibition

Students sitting at a table with their art projects

Visual Arts Classic