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LGBTQIA+ library guide: LGBTQIA+ Resources


Welcome to the UW-Stout LGBTQIA+ centered library guide.

The LGBTQIA+ acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual, and the plus includes additional identities such as pansexual and Two-Spirit. This list of gender identities and sexualities is constantly evolving as the LGBTQIA+ community finds new ways of understanding and expressing identity and attraction. Some terms may become outdated or offensive while others may be added or revised as we strive to become more inclusive. We should always remember the diverse individuals that these terms represent, and honor that each person may define and use these terms differently based on their own lived experience.
At UW-Stout, part of our commitment to inclusive excellence includes supporting opportunities for self-directed learning and growth. This guide is designed to assist the UW-Stout community and beyond with their study and understanding of LGBTQIA+ individuals, groups, history and current events.
This guide was created in collaboration of UW-Stout faculty, staff and students. This group recognizes the guide is not exhaustive, and new and relevant material is being created and published daily and it is impossible to include everything. The history of discrimination and oppression of LGBTQIA+ community members span generations.
This LGBTQIA+ guide includes items in the UW-Stout library catalog and links to other resources from across the globe. The guide offers you the tools to help you educate and challenge yourself.

This compilation will also evolve over time, just like we aim to and just like you can, to keep inclusive excellence at the forefront here at UW-Stout and beyond.  We encourage recommendations to add to the guide. If you see that it is missing some foundational resources, please email with your suggestions and we will review them for consideration. As many LGBTIA+ terms that used to be acceptable are now outdated or offensive, some of our resources may also become outdated. If you have a suggestion or concern about a resource in this guide, please email and we will review your concerns.

Nonfiction Books



Ted Talks

Movies/TV Series/Documentaries

Audio Series/Podcasts


Scholarly Articles