Emeriti faculty have the same borrowing privileges and database access to databases as other faculty and staff. In our library system, they are coded as faculty/staff.
A current UW-Stout username and password is required to access electronic databases remotely and place Interlibrary Loan requests, as those systems utilize the UW-Stout common login system. Please see the Retiree Email Account page (link here- https://kb.uwstout.edu/59279) or contact the IT department for information about maintaining a UW-Stout email account.
Retired faculty/staff who do not maintain a university email address still have access to check out physical materials and search databases from within the building as part of our Services for Community and Alumni (link here- https://library.uwstout.edu/servicesCommunityAlumni#:~:text=Contact%20the%20circulation%20desk%20at,a%2028%2Dday%20loan%20period.)