The UW-Stout Library Gaming and Digital Innovation (GDI) Lab is a campus space dedicated to video games, video game history, and game development. The GDI Lab is an active learning lab and provides a hands-on opportunity to play, teach, learn about, and research video games throughout gaming history.
The GDI Lab features twenty-five major video game consoles, both new and vintage, as well as three high-end PCs loaded with productivity software and a digital games catalog of more than 250 titles. The GDI Lab also features a growing Vintage Game collection of over 500 titles, and the UW-Stout Library offers a circulating Video Game collection of over 1,600 titles for use in the lab or for checkout. Additionally, the GDI Lab offers the space and systems compatible with VR headsets, which are available at the Circulation desk on the first floor of the UW-Stout Library.
The University Library offers two video game collections: a circulating Video Game Collection and a Vintage Video Game collection.
Circulating Video Game Collection
Students, faculty, and staff may check out these video games for 14 days, for use outside the library or in the GDI Lab. The Video Game collection is found on the first floor of the library and offers games for the following systems:
Vintage Video Game Collection
Students, faculty, and staff may check out these vintage games for one day, for in-building use only. The Vintage Video Game collection can be played in the GDI Lab and offers games for:
Vintage Consoles and Cathode Ray Tube Televisions for an authentic vintage gaming experience
Vintage games, featuring hundreds of titles, are available for use with the GDI vintage systems, for in-building use only. Peripheral equipment is also available for vintage systems including a Duck Hunt Zapper, DDR mats, Donkey Konga bongos, and more, available at the Circulation desk.
All Major and Current Video Game Consoles
Wireless controllers and peripheral equipment are available for checkout at the Circulation desk, including additional Switch controllers, Guitar Hero controllers, and Wii accessories.
Raspberry Pi Emulators
Raspberry Pi emulators are miniature consoles with a suite of vintage games preloaded on them, able to be used without cartridges or discs. The GDI Lab has these versions available for use inside the GDI Lab:
VR Headsets
Adaptive Gaming Gear
PC Stations
All PCs are preloaded with a collection of digital games through Steam, Epic,, and Riot Games.
Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to use the VR equipment offered through the GDI Lab.
Gaming PC & VR Station One and Gaming PC & VR Station Two are compatible for use with the Oculus Quest 2 headsets available for checkout at the Circulation desk.
In addition to the Oculus Quest 2 VR headsets, users are encouraged to experience VR through PSVR (for use with PS4) and PSVR2 (for use with PS5), both of which are also available for use in the GDI Lab.
The GDI Lab is a collaborative effort and is advised by the Gaming and Digital Innovation (GDI) Lab Committee whose membership includes:
Access to Learning (ATL) funds two student workers to help support the GDI lab.