If you are an art student needing digital or physical art resources in the library, you have come to the right place! Below, you will find image banks and online publications with archival full images to support your research projects. You will also learn where to find physical art books in the library, plus some tips on citing images. As always, librarians are available to help you 24/7 from our library homepage.
Looking for art books in the library? If you were looking for the book Caravaggio by John T. Spike, you could see through using Search@UW that the call number is ND623.C26 S65 2010, meaning this book is found in the art section (starting with an N), specifically with the painting books (ND). Here is the breakdown for art subcategories:
N Visual Arts
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing, Design, & Illustration
ND Painting
NE Print Media
NK Decorative Arts
NX Arts in General
Below you'll find guidance in citing images in APA and MLA. Please note APA offers limited guidance, found in section 10.14 of the APA Manual, Seventh Edition.
APA Style Guide - Citing artwork in a museum or museum website or an art exhibition.
APA Style Guide - Citing clip art or stock images
MLA Style Center - Citing images, photographs, paintings, and more