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UW-Stout Open Educational Resources

Welcome to the UW-Stout open educational resource site!  This site is dedicated to assisting our faculty adopt, adapt, and create OER.  Here you will find everything from new OERs to tips and resources to add these resources to your instructional toolkit.

New OER!

Sustainable Property Management

Although “sustainability,” as used in the real estate context, is about preserving the environment, it is about more than that. In sustainable property management, sustainability encompasses three spheres—environmental, social, and economic. Sustainable property management is about reconciling these three spheres throughout the operations and maintenance phase of the building lifecycle in such a way that a balance is achieved between economic development and protection of environmental and social resources.  - Open Textbook Network

Introduction to College Research

This book acknowledges our changing information landscape, covering key concepts in information literacy to support a research process with intention. We start by critically examining the online environment many of us already engage with every day, looking at algorithms, the attention economy, information disorder and cynicism, information hygiene, and fact-checking. We then move into an exploration of information source types, meaningful research topics, keyword choices, effective search strategies, library resources, Web search considerations, the ethical use of information, and citation.  - Open Textbook Network

College Success Concise

OpenStax College Success Concise serves First Year Experience, Student Success, and College Transition courses, and can also be used as a supplementary resource in courses across the curriculum. With the input of hundreds of instructors and academic success experts, the authors carefully prioritized the most critical topics to align to briefer courses. The offering covers material such as college culture, time management, mindset, study skills, test preparation, financial literacy, health, and planning for the future. While much of the material is very similar to the original College Success book, this version was holistically edited and updated. Users will see additions such as a new section on group work and greatly expanded coverage of stress management and wellbeing. - Open Textbook Library