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UW-Stout Archives and Area Reseach Center: Area Research Center Collections

The University of Wisconsin-Stout Archives collects and preserves the records of the University of Wisconsin-Stout and its predecessors. It also serves as an Area Research Center for Dunn, Barron, and Pepin Counties in Wisconsin.

UW-Stout Archives and Area Reseach Center

The University of Wisconsin-Stout Archives collects and preserves the records of the University of Wisconsin-Stout and its predecessors. It also serves as an Area Research Center for Dunn, Barron, and Pepin Counties in Wisconsin.

UW-Stout Area Research Center Indexes

The Area Research Center at the UW-Stout holds official county records

(e.g. land records, naturalization certificates) from Barron, Dunn, and Pepin counties.  


Research Indexes

Our County Court Records and Newspaper Index has combined into one database for Dunn, Barron, and Pepin counties. It includes an index of the following: 

  • Includes circuit/county courts, probates, naturalizations, and funerals between 1855 and 1955 
  • Includes birth/death/probate notices from Barron, Dunn, and Pepin County newspapers, 1862-1930

When searching, click on the name to expand for more details on the record. 


Request Research Assistance

  • The cart function is currently being updated for the County Court Records and Newspaper Index. You can request records through the link above or by contacting

Research Resources

The following resources provide access to a variety of public records and indexes.

Full Text County Digital Collections

Cemetery Indexes


Evergreen Cemetery Index

  • Evergreen Cemetery is located in section 24 of Menomonie Township in Dunn County, Wisconsin. This cemetery, the largest in the county, was organized in 1873 by the Knapp, Stout & Co. Company. This collection includes all recorded burials from 1873 to 2003. The information was compiled from Evergreen Cemetery Records by Carolyn C. Ohnstad.

  • It is not currently available online. Please contact with requests for index information.

Church and Cemetery Microfilm Index

  • ​Index to the records of 133 churches and cemeteries housed on microfilm reels. These records date from 1861 to 1979 and include records in a variety of languages.

Dunn County Cemetery Index

  • Headstone transcriptions of cemeteries in Dunn County, Wisconsin from 1850s to 1994. Compiled by Dunn County Genealogical Society and UW-Stout University Archives.

  • It is not currently available online. Please contact with requests for index information.