The University Library's Circulation services are located on the 1st Floor near the interior lobby of the Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center.
Library resources must be checked out with a UW-Stout ID card or with a form of ID for community users.
Your courtesy with returning items on time is appreciated. Keeping library resources beyond due dates prevents fellow library user from accessing that information. An overdue fee of $5 per day will be charged for equipment kept beyond the due date. Additionally, item replacement costs will be assessed if there is no response to overdue notices.
Indoor: Two returns are located at the Circulation Desk.
Outdoor: Near the front entrance of the library.
Equipment must be returned in person to the Circulation Desk.
Renew Materials/General Circulation 715-232-1215
Overdue and Billing 715-232-1215
Interlibrary Loan 715-232-1112
Go to the University Library page:
Scroll down to “My Accounts” and click on “Search@UW”.
Select the UW-Stout Username link to login to MY SEARCH@UW.
Enter your Stout username and password, then Sign in.
Once you have signed in, you should see your name in the top right corner of the web page. Click on it to reveal the "MY SEARCH@UW Account" panel, then select "My Loans".
You should have been taken to the "Loans" section of your MYSEARCH@UW Account displaying an overview of all items you've checked out.
Use the checkboxes at the left to select specific items to renew then click Renew All.
Verify that all items have been renewed.
The University Library facilitates the supply and delivery of information resources. Faculty, staff, and students are eligible to request via Interlibrary Loan and UW Borrowing.
Full service access to items held by the University Library and a global network of more than 70,000 lending libraries and commercial document vendors.
My Search@UW Account | Search UW Books/Media | FAQ
Borrowing network of 26 UW System Libraries facilitated by a shared catalog and patron database.