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University Library Services (Canvas page): Welcome

This page highlights Stout Library services that support graduate and distance students.


Welcome to the University Library

The University Library values graduate students and we want to help support your education and your research! Here are some resources that you might not know about.


Watch this short video to learn more about using online library resources!


Graduate Student Library Guide

The Graduate Student Library Guide helps you find free dissertations, find past Stout theses, and offers writing, citing, and reference manager support.


Borrowing Books, Articles, and Textbooks

Full service access to items held by the University Library and a global network of more than 70,000 lending libraries and commercial document vendors. Once you've found an item, click Fetch It For Me to request that it be emailed (articles) or mailed to you (books). We will ship you items for free, but you are responsible for paying to ship them back (Visit our Interlibrary Loan page for more information). For borrowing physical textbooks please see our Textbooks page for more information.


Ask a Librarian!

Librarians can point you in the right direction for your research, show you the best databases for the topic you’re researching, and offer citation help. If you ever have a question about your research or the library, please Ask a Librarian! You can send us a quick chat with any questions you may have, or you can schedule an in-person or virtual meeting with a librarian to work together on your research. We love researching, and we enjoy working with graduate students, so we hope to hear from you soon!


Advanced Research Databases

Our library pays for access to over 300 databases that are user-friendly, and can make process of finding quality resources easier. See our full list of databases to discover more!  


Free Access

All UW-Stout graduate students get free access to the New York Times website and their full-text articles! To set up your account just click this NYT group pass link, log in with your UW-Stout credentials, and click “create account.”  


Take a break with our streaming videos!

Streaming videos are free and can be viewed on any device and cast straight to your TV! Kanopy has more educational films and documentaries, while Swank has more feature films, or explore our other streaming video sites

Four image examples of videos our library streams.



Our number one priority is helping you succeed as a student. As you visit our library, either in person or online, please remember you have access to librarians to help you with things like how to find sources for your project, how to cite in styles like APA or MLA, or ways to narrow your topic when if you feel lost. Use our chat service, send us an email, or set up a research meeting to lessen your academic stress!