Stop at the Circulation Desk to:
Computers in the library have Internet and access to various software. For information searching, start at the Library Home Page;
The UW-Stout Gaming and Digital Innovation Lab (GDI) Lab features sixteen major video game consoles (both vintage and new), three high-end PC's loaded with productivity software and access to a digital game catalog of more than 250 titles. The library also has a Vintage Video Game collection of over 400 titles and a circulating current Video Game collection of over 1,200 titles that can be used in the GDI Lab.
The Library has centralized network printing, also available through wireless connectivity.
Black & White (10 cents a page) and Color (20 cents a page). Payment: Stout ID with a Flexline account or community users may purchase a print card.
Scanners are available for document and image scanning. A high speed multi-page scanner is useful for students creating e-portfolios. Photo-manipulation software is available on the accompanying computers.
When searching Search@UW, some items may have to location REFERENCE. The Reference collection includes subject specialized encyclopedias and dictionaries, statistical information, handbooks, atlases, style manuals, etc. Reference materials cannot be removed from the Library.
Instructors may place materials for in-library use for specific classes in the Open Reserve section of Reference Area.
Two computers are available for walk up printing and computer use. A VTS station is available where students can add funds to their campus cards. The Library uses FlexBase+ for printing charges.
Although not a library department, Disability Services is located in Room 120 of the Robert S. Swanson Library and Learning Center.
Near the Instruction Lab along the hallways are group study rooms that allow for small-group discussion and collaborative learning. They are not intended for individual study. First floor study rooms are equipped with whiteboards which allow you to practice for classroom presentations and laptop collaborative screens. Group study room users will need to check out a remote control for the screen at the Circulation Desk. There are additional group study rooms on fourth and fifth floors. Make a reservation.
This room is for, GIS classes, e-sports and library instruction. Librarians teach research sessions on using Search@UW, Subject databases, and other information resources. When not used for classes, this area is open for student use.
An exhibit area is located in the main lobby of the library. There are special exhibits for library-related events: Banned Book Week, Children's Book Week, National Library Week, etc. The exhibit space is also available to campus groups and can be reserved. Contact Susan Lindahl 715-232-1184, Room 123-A or ask for her at the circulation desk. A nice place to wait for your group or study buddy.
If you have requested an item for pickup, you will find it on this shelf straight ahead as you enter the library. Arranged by first two letters of first name and first two letters of last name.
Vending machines are located in the hallway near room 120.
The Popular Collections Area has four collections including:
The area is part of the library's information Commons and has comfortable seating and furniture for reading, studying, and group work.